Dedicated Agile Coaches

agile42 coaches unlock the full potential of your Scrum and Kanban teams with our highly experienced agile coaches. We offer tailored coaching services to meet your organization’s unique needs, empowering you to navigate the complexities of Agile with confidence and efficiency.

Full-Time Engagement

We believe that meaningful change requires dedicated focus. Our coaching engagements are structured on a full-time basis, allowing us to fully immerse ourselves in your agile transformation journey at a price point you can afford.

Our Approach

Custom Guidance

Every organization is unique, so our coaches work closely with your teams to develop coaching plans that align with your specific challenges and goals.

Continuous Improvement

Our coaches foster a culture of learning within your organization, empowering your teams to refine and optimize their agile processes.

Improvement Reports

Each sprint, you receive metrics and reports showing improvement of the team.

Commitment to Results

We don’t just offer advice from the sidelines. Our coaches actively engage with your teams, providing hands-on support and guidance to help you implement agile best practices effectively.

Expert Coaching and Mentoring

Highly Experienced Coaches

Our team consists of seasoned agile practitioners with years of hands-on experience across diverse industries.

Proven Track Record

We have a proven track record of helping organizations successfully navigate their agile transformations and achieve sustainable results.

Dedicated Monthly Model

Our coaching services are available on a full-time basis (40 hours a week), one month at a time, allowing you to get the most out of your coaches on a regular billing cycle.

Find Out More

Reach out to your local agile42 office

Give us a call: 720-827-4418

Write us an email: [email protected]

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