Complexity, Chaos, and COVID-19

Covid-19 webinar

The world is in turmoil. As we all find ourselves challenged by situations we never thought we would face, more and more people are turning to complexity for understanding. This epidemic has managed to make the complex, vulnerable, interconnected states we all exist in more visible than ever, but it has also made us think about the future and its potential in new ways. In order to support increasingly pressing questions on the subject, a panel of experts on complexity came together, including Alicia Juarrero, Ann Pendleton-Jullian, Dave Snowden, and Valdis Krebs.

The resulting discussion took place in a 90-minute free webinar that attracted more than 2000 registrations. Some were not able to attend, and others would like the opportunity to listen to the dense conversation again, so we are happy to be able to share a recording of the webinar with you, in the hopes that it will be able to help you in your challenges.

The recording of the webinar is now available.

Just like the webinar, access to the recording is free of charge. The panelists and organizers, who donated their time to make this possible, would like to ask you to contribute a donation to the Red Cross COVID-19 emergency appeal instead.

Thank you for your generosity. Please donate here.

If you like to know more about agile42’s remote services please have a look at our offer or simply send an email to [email protected].

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