agile42 Community Launch

We’re excited to announce the launch of our new agile42 Community! Our coaches Regina Martins and Rochelle Roos shared what this is about in a live webinar on the 29th April. 

We’ve trained and coached many people over the years that we’d like to continue supporting in their growth and development. One of them may have been you. Some of you have also been active in the PathToCSP Slack group and we’ve enjoyed interacting with you in that way. Many of you have also returned for more advanced training. But much more is needed to help you in your career as an agilist. 

In order to take learnings beyond the classroom, we’ve created 2 membership options.

Free membership

  • An exclusive safe forum with thousands of other agile professionals to discuss new developments and challenges
  • Monthly Lean Coffee
  • Discounted rate for exclusive webinars
  • Monthly newsletter with a “How-to” article to help you improve your effectiveness with your team



Premium membership

All the benefits of the Free Community Membership PLUS:

  • Access to self-learning content to help you be more confident, competent, and effective in your role
  • Access to exclusive webinars by the agile42 coaches on topics chosen by you, the community
  • 1 mentorship session monthly
  • Ready to use facilitation templates for the most common sessions faced by Scrum Masters, Product Owners, and Agile Coaches

This is an inspiring new place where we want to continue supporting you in your growth and development as Scrum Masters, Product Owners, and Agile Coaches. Each month we will have a theme around which we’ll create events and activities, and stimulate discussions. The idea is that you learn from the community as well as get support from our agile42 coaches and trainers. 

People who join communities, surrounded by other like-minded people, are more likely to get the results they want because they get the help they need when they need it. By learning more from other people in the community is a way to broaden your perspective. 

We want to make this a safe space for everyone to participate in and thrive. As such, we’ve created a Code of Conduct that everyone needs to agree to; and it will be a moderated space.

The theme for May is Product Ownership. So, join us, and let’s get the ball rolling on your growth and development. You can already sign up for the next webinar on this topic. 

If you missed out on the live session, don’t panic! We have the recording for you here to share around with your network, friends, and colleagues, so that everyone can benefit from the Communities. 

For any questions, you are always welcome to contact us!
Hope to see you again next month, for a new theme and new discussions! 

How to get your conference submissions accepted

I have been part of either reviewing or organising multiple conferences, both locally and internationally. I am grateful for this because it helped me to learn about how to create a submission that has a better chance of getting accepted. During my reviewing for the AgileXX conferences I had the opportunity to pair with some experienced reviewers and agilists, which also helped me to grow and learn.

I’m going to share what I have gained from the experience, and hopefully, it can help others out there…

This is what I look for when I’m reviewing a submission:

  • It’s new.
    It adds something that hasn’t been done or thought of before, or it combines things from different fields or thinks about things in a new way.
  • There is a takeaway.
    I feel that people will have great takeaways from it
  • It’s inspirational!
    When I read it, I think, “Wow, I want to go to that.”
  • Real-life experience.
    The submission shows there is real-life experience behind it, not just reading.
  • It is well-written and to the point.
    A well-written submission with zero buzzwords and enough information for me.
  • It shows confidence.
    I am confident that the submitter can deliver from a speaking or facilitation perspective.

Out of this list, the most important to me is the submission is well written and to the point. A great submission is well written, has zero buzzwords and has just the right information for me. Getting this right is key to getting your submissions accepted. Here are my pointers for getting it just right!

Tips for writing your submission

Short & Sweet: The Title

Your title needs to be interesting. Let it say something about your talk. Don’t make it too long unless that is an intentional learning point in your submission. Often, people will decide where to go based on the title, and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen terrible or boring titles. As a reviewer, you often don’t want to read any further.

Punchy: The Abstract

Your abstract needs to be short and punchy. The abstract or summary is the part that goes on the program, so it needs enough information, that people know what they are getting and are excited about it. But not so much that they get bored and stop reading. Reviewers and conference participants are also not always looking for the same thing, so if you completely optimize for one, you might lose the other.

Not many people decide before a conference where to go, so the abstract is often the thing that helps them decide. If your abstract is too long, people get bored and stop reading. If your abstract is like a bad movie trailer and contains all the best bits from your talk, then people will be disappointed because they got as much out of your talk as they did reading the abstract.

So think about a good movie trailer; an original abstract highlights the good bits but makes sure that the meat will be in the talk itself. In contrast, an abstract with loads of buzzwords that looks like a sales pitch either for the submitter themselves or for something that they have developed or a book they have written can turn a reviewer off very quickly. A good tip is to approach the abstract as if you were writing a tweet; write and rewrite until you get the key message under the (self-imposed) limit.

Sell it: Information for the program team

In this section, you have the opportunity to sell your talk to the decision-makers: the review committee. Here is where you want to be clear about what your talk or workshop is going to be about. If you have hinted at new models or exciting new thinking in your abstract, be clear about what that looks like here. If you aren’t, there is no way for the program committee to know what you will be talking about. Be clear about how your session looks. People from the program team want to know this for workshops and talks. We want to know that you have thought about this deeply and that you know how you are going to spend the time. If you are proposing a workshop, we want to know that you have thought about how to scale it. Have you thought about what it will look like for 20 people vs. 50 people vs. 100 people or even 200 people?

Let us know in detail how you will spend the time. A great submission lays out in detail how the 45 mins / 90 mins / 60 mins / 2 hours etc. will be used. If I can see that, then I know you have thought about what you are going to do. If I can picture your session in my head, either talk or workshop, and I think to myself, “Wow, I want to go to that!”, then I will rate your talk highly – and chances are, so will others.

If you are doing an experience report, here is where you highlight to the program committee the things that people will learn or take away from your talk. Here is where you explain at a high level, why your story is better than the next guys.


The don’ts

A few things frustrate me when I’m reviewing, especially when it’s late and I’m tired. So here are some don’ts:

Don’t send links

Please do not send me to your blog or your book. I don’t have time to read your submission plus 50 blog posts on the topic, I have 100 other submissions to go through, and I just want to go to bed. If you can not get your ideas across succinctly in your submission, you will get a poor rating.

Don’t give a breakdown with no detail

What I am looking for in the breakdown is what your talk/ workshop looks like. I recieved the below breakdown recently and that doesn’t cut it. Show me what your talk or workshop looks like not what a generic structure could look like. A structure this limited, just shows me you haven’t thought about it at all.

– Intro and topic setup (10 min)

– Body of topic (20 min)

– Learning recap (5 min)

– Q&A (10 min)

Don’t tell me how awesome you are

Nothing is more frustrating than a submission that is filled with details about how fantastic the speaker is and that they just published their new book/blog/podcast…. With little or no information for me about what they are actually going to talk about, (since I haven’t read their book) and what the audience will get out of it.

You need to make an impression.

As an organiser, you are often doing this voluntarily. Meaning, you have to make time in your spare time to go through hundreds of submissions for a big conference or between sixty and a hundred for a smaller conference.

Often, there are 80 – 100 submissions for maybe 25 slots. At the bigger conferences, there are upwards of 200 submissions for every 20 – 25 slots available. These are the numbers, and your submission is just one of many.

Even if you have all the right details and a great submission, most conferences will have a team of people reviewing so there are many people you need to impress. Even if you manage to impress many people, if someone else has a similar topic or a better submission, then you are out. And if there are more submissions with new and exciting things again you will be out. Remember you need to stand out from the 100 other submissions that are vying for the 25 slots on a program, make yours the one that all the reviewers say “Wow, I want to go to that!”  There is nothing more disappointing or frustrating for a reviewer than a great title or idea, and the rest, you can see, took only 5 minutes to write.

You aren’t going to be successful every time, but keep going, and the better you get, the better your chances will be.

Timing is everything.

More than 50% of the submissions come through on the last day that the system is open. From there, reviewers often don’t have much time to get through all of them or as many as possible so that each submission is seen by at least 3 or 4 people.

If yours comes through on the last day and is number 65 of 80 or number 45 of 50 or something like that, then chances are most people have reviewed that many already today and are grumpy with the crap submissions and probably tired. Unless yours is a “shoot the lights out” submission, it’s going to get a crap rating at that point.

One final tip.

If you submit to the AgileXX conferences and if you submit early, you can ask for help, and there will be a team of people ready to help you improve your submission. Submitting in this way is probably one of the best ways to learn!

I hope these tips help you to write a great submission. If you have other tips to share, I would love to see them in the comments!

Reading on a beach

agile42 Summer Reading List 2013

Summer is upon us, at least in the northern hemisphere (and if you’re living in the southern part of the world, you shouldn’t complain either), and we have decided to use our community newsletter for something different. Even for Agile practitioners, there is vacation time, not only for relaxing with loved ones but also for keeping up with new thoughts and ideas.

We have therefore asked our coaches to help us compile a “summer reading list” of titles that would be appropriate in an agilista’s bag while heading for the beach or a solitary retreat (or even a city escape)! This eclectic list reflects the different approaches of a complex profile like the one shared by our coaches: we have heavily technical books, communication techniques and a sizeable selection of economic and military history. You can rule by yourself if their recommendations meet your style (most links point to the book page on Goodreads, where you can check details or obtain the title through your favorite bookseller).

Communication and coaching

Andrea Tomasini, agile42 founder and strategic coach, starts with our most obvious suggestion: What We Say Matters: Practicing Nonviolent Communication by Judith Hanson Lasater & Ike Lasater is a book all coaches have decided to read and practice in our everyday activities inside and outside the company.

Paolo Perrotta explains his choice for Facilitator’s Guide to Participatory Decision-Making by Sam Kaner:

At times, it reads a bit like a patterns book for facilitators. Useful to stick a name onto facilitation techniques. It is a large format, has not much text density, and is easy to browse through. A bit dry at first glance, sometimes disturbingly close to a textbook or a slide deck – but it more than makes up for that by focusing on a traditionally fluffy, “soft skill”-related subject and grounding it in clearly defined, pragmatic advice. The kind of book that makes me go from: “Oh, facilitation – I can do that” to: “I didn’t realize how much I suck at this”, and hopefully from there to: “OK, now I know how to do it right”.

Gitte Klitgaard Hansen adds The Go-Giver: A Little Story About a Powerful Business Idea by Bob Burg & John David Mann: “a book about giving in all that you do… Business and private…”

On Business

A few books take a different approach to the business world and organizations.

Ralf Kruse suggested Peak: How Great Companies Get Their Mojo from Maslow by Chip Conley with these words:

a great book on motivation, relationships and satisfaction. The book puts the needs of employees, customers and investors in the context of a simplified Maslov pyramid, which is, from my perspective, a great view of the needs and helps to reflect what is important in this relationship to motivate and make the difference. Chip describes the topic mainly through stories based on his experience leading, developing, creating and managing the boutique hotel Joie de Vivre. The stories help to give the topic concrete insights, and stories from non-software help me get new insights from this different perspective. It was in my bag last summer, and this makes it my recommendation for the summer reading list.

Niels Verdonk recommends The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement by Eliyahu M. Goldratt and The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable by Patrick Lencioni. “Since they are both written in the form of a Novel, I think they make great beach or poolside reading.”

Martin von Weissenberg’s holiday book is The Company: A Short History of a Revolutionary Idea by John Micklethwait and Adrian Woolridge:

The authors argue quite successfully that the limited liability company is the most influential idea of modern times, and I think this book serves as a good reminder of why and how people organize themselves and find resources to carry out even large enterprises. Also, the book is quite entertaining and small enough to fit in a beach bag.

Manny Segarra also suggests Leading Change, John Kotter’s eight-step process for managing change.

Learning From the Military

Throughout history, any standing Army has always been one of the biggest and most complex organizations seen in action. It’s no surprise that Management Change looks at the military world as a source of discussion and ideas.

Ralf Kruse suggests Turn The Ship Around!: How to Create Leadership at Every Level by David Marquet stating “I think it is a great reading. The approach is quite similar to our, written from first hand experience and commanding a submarine is a different angle of view than product/software development.”

Our Kanban professional Gaetano Mazzanti instead suggests a title popular in the Lean community The Art of Action: How Leaders Close the Gaps between Plans, Actions and Results by Stephen Bungay, another book about the parallels between military and business strategy/tactics:

It starts with Bungay’s studies of the Prussian army in the 19th century. I liked the first part a lot (explaining the “problem,” which is the gap between plans, action and results). I am a bit concerned about the solutions he is proposing, but it’s still too early to tell. Definitely worth reading I would say anyway.

And Lasse Ziegler also recommends Corps Business: The 30 Management Principles of the U.S. Marines by David H. Freedman.

Agile and Technology

Let’s not forget our roots…

Bent Myllerup recently finished The people’s Scrum: Agile Ideas for Revolutionary Transformation by Tobias Mayer: “I do not agree with Tobias on everything he writes in this book, but I have a lot of respect for him and find this book important in the sense of being agile. It is a must read.”

And we should add our own, free to download, contribution: written by Andrea Tomasini and Martin Kearns, Agile Transition: What You Need to Know Before Starting is our first ebook for the agile42 community.

Written by the agile coaches of agile42, Agile Transition shares some fundamental knowledge to support many of the observations and conclusions that the authors have identified within organizations that have transitioned to a more agile approach to work. The authors share their failures and learnings in organizations transitioning to embrace agile, and they share their experiences of what is required to succeed.

In terms of solid technology tools, Stefano Rago recommends The Cucumber Book: Behaviour-Driven Development for Testers and Developers, “much more than just an introduction to TDD with Cucumber, it left me with an open, pragmatic and fresh mindset. This book inspired a lot of the best practices and approaches that form the foundation for my team’s work.”

And to top it all up, Roberto Bettazzoni suggests a solid video presentation by Ian Cooper: “TDD, where did it all go wrong,” freely available from Vimeo. Watch it with a glass of your favorite, and enjoy your summer!

Photo by Damian Gadal –