Speaking at Agile2015

We are excited to be speaking at this year’s Agile Alliance conference in Washington, August 3-7.  With nearly 17,000 members and subscribers around the globe, Agile Alliance is driven by the principles of Agile methodologies and the value delivered to developers, organizations and end users. 

Speaking at Agile2015Richard Dolman will present his discussion on Backlog Refinement (the Scrum ceremony that “gets no respect”) while Dhaval Panchal together will Thomas Perry will invite attendees to share unsettling questions about prevalent management practices in Swarming: The Birds, the bees and Agile -or- How Managers influence self-organization.

The event is sold out and we’re expecting a packed house for each of these talks. Are you attending? If not, we will report on the event as soon as possible.

Talking about the 3 stages of scaling Agile organizations

I have been the guest on a recent episode of the Agile Chicago Style podcast
to discuss with Rick Waters the different stages of scaling Agile
organizations. It’s not necessarily all about making your Agile
footprint bigger, ideally it’s about making it better (and then bigger

It’s been a lively discussion with great leading questions and we discussed some of the things we are actively working on as part of our Agile at Scale training offer and the agile42 Enterprise Transition Framework™.

Agile Awareness per startup TIM #WCAP

La settimana scorsa abbiamo partecipato al processo di formazione delle startup del programma di accelerazione TIM #WCAP 2015 nelle quattro sedi di Milano, Bologna, Roma e Catania. La nostra giornata di Agile Awareness Training ha consentito di illustrare i fondamenti del metodo di lavoro Agile e come si possono adattare alla vita di una startup.

TIM #WCAP Catania, foto di Luciano De Franco via Twitter

La giornata intensa ha visto spiegazioni alla lavagna, molti post-it e com’è tradizione di agile42 giochi e momenti interattivi di gioco con il Marshmallow Challenge, il Magic Balls Game, la simulazione di un processo Kanban e molti altri.

Il nostro training Agile Awareness è a disposizione di business manager, executive manager, project manager e di tutti quelli interessati a capire come un modo agile di lavorare può migliorare i risultati del loro progetto.

Follow agile42 on social networks

The raise of social networks has been tumultuous in the past few years, and the Agile community has embraced them with gusto, finding new ways to discuss and coordinate efforts, and also to promote methodologies and theories. If you like the updates we post on this blog and you want to keep constantly in touch with agile42 we have a presence of a number of networks as well but sorry, no Instagram profile: we are not picture-pretty (yet).

You can follow us on Facebook and Google+, you will find posted our latest article and news with comments from our large community of students and coaches. On YouTube the agile42 channel is home to short videos where our coaches introduce Agile concepts and thoughts, and to longer recordings of talks at conferences and events.

Illustration by Yoel Ben-Avraham

Have you ever noticed how Twitter is loved by Agile experts and practitioners? From jokes to quips to full rants you can read updates from the top personalities of the Agile worlds and organizations like the Scrum Alliance. Of course agile42 is present on Twitter where we link new and archive blog posts, training news and engage with our 3,000+ followers. Most of our coaches are on Twitter as well: follow them all through this list.

Last but not least, LinkedIn is the largest professional network in the world and we have a company presence in there where you can read and comment updates on our latest activities and keep in touch with our coaches.

And thanks for your continuing support!

Illustration by Yoel Ben-Avraham – http://flic.kr/p/fQ6CnH

Definition of Done : Why it matters?

Acceptance Criteria -vs- Definition of Done.jpg

One of the first things we recommend new Agile teams establish is what’s called the “Definition of Done”.  The DoD is crucial to highly functioning Agile Teams in helping them develop practices and behavior that drive quality, consistency and transparency.

Why it matters

A useful product has two key aspects. Features in this product are not only useful to users but are also usable, in other words, features actually work. The product owner and stakeholders help the delivery team understand the “right thing” to be developed and the delivery team uses their development expertise to build it the “right way”. Both these dimensions are crucial for any product development.

Right-Thing, Right-Way:These are features that are desired by your end-users and they work the way they are supposed to. These features are conceptually coherent with the product, and also built the right way, such that they are stable and do not cause technical instability in the product.

Right-Thing, Wrong-Way: These are features that are desired by the users and they use these features. However, since these are not built the “right way” they do not function the way these are supposed to. When features are not tested they fail to perform their utility. When features are implemented without cognisance to end-user context and behavior, or when the team developing the features lacks *competence* and discipline, we create products that are buggy. These issues hamper the ability for end-users to get their job done and leads to waste and higher costs. As one executive, so aptly pondered out loud “Why is it that we never have time to do it right! but have time to do it again?”.

Wrong-Thing, Right-Way: These are the features that your end-users do not know exist. They may have been built the “right way” but then these features are not discovered and not used. These are ghost features that are silently increasing product engineering complexity. In Extreme Programming, the prioritization principle of YAGNI (You ain’t gonna need it) is intended to counter unfettered stakeholder desires and implement only features that are needed, now!. Deferring commitment for features is a good strategy since we all know, unlike tomatoes we don’t sell software by the pound.

Wrong-Thing, Wrong-Way: Wrong features built the wrong way are cancerous cells that eat up developmental capacity since these cause issues with well functioning parts of the product. This causes erosion of development capacity for the team as the team gets sucked into bug fixes only to discover that issue stems from an area of the product that no one uses. These features erode team morale. Lack of team discipline has lead to accumulation of technical debt and feature creep creating an untenable situation. Such legacy areas in a product are universally feared.

The Definition of Done (DoD) expresses the “right way”, a checklist that asserts quality of the product and the workmanship of the delivery team. Acceptance criteria accompanying a User Story, or a feature requirement represent the “right thing”. Getting both these aspects of product development right are important for sustainable and continual product growth. It requires collaboration, trust and feedback with and amongst the delivery team(s), product owner and stakeholders.



How Do I Know Agile is Succeeding?

Thumbs Up

When talking to potential customers, we often get told that a team or program has been ‘agile’ for months, or even years. It’s not uncommon for us to find teams applying those agile practices we associate with successful teams: retrospectives, shared code ownership, decent product management. Unfortunately, this does not necessarily translate into what we consider to be a successful agile delivery process. So this got us thinking:

  •  What does a successful agile team or organization look like?

  • How do we know a good agile team when we see one, or a great agile organization when we see one?


Here’s what to look for:

1. Listen for the ‘Why’

Becoming agile is a cultural shift, not a tactical shift.

The practices are the how, not the why. Just as Simon Sinek points out, it’s all about the why.  A cultural shift is made visible through the conversations we overhear and the discussions and communication between teams, rather than the practices we observe in the teams. Therefore, in order to understand how well a team or project has adopted agile we want to listen to how they communicate, not just focus on the practices they are using.

2. Improve learning capabilities

The goal of adopting an agile mindset is a to develop a capability, not reach a destination. We don’t want teams to aim for “50 points per sprint”, or a “release at the end of each sprint”. The objectives are new skills and ways of working that allow the team to learn and grow, not measures of activity or productivity. Here, we do look at practices. What skills are the teams building? What capabilities do the teams have? Not efficiency or productivity skills and capabilities, but learning and experimentation skills and capabilities.

So, now that we know what to look for? How can we identify successful agile teams?

Here, we ask two questions:

Do you focus on value delivery or activity and productivity?

Are you continually learning, able to continually refine and adjust a living work delivery process?

Value over Activity

Agile frameworks, from Lean Startup to Extreme Programming, are focused on the rapid delivery of customer value. Every aspect of each framework starts with the assumption that the teams are working as hard as possible. The level of contribution is not in question. Therefore, what is delivered becomes the primary concern. In agile organizations, the cultural noise we hear is focused on the delivery of value rather than comparing activity or productivity. Teams talk about the features they released, and how well (or not) the customers valued (used, paid for) the new features. It’s not a race to do the most work, or have the most number of features, but to provide something the customers need and value.

One of us (the Englishman) is a big fan of the English Premiership. The successful teams are those that grind out results against unsexy, mid-table opposition, many times against the run of play. We often hear the teams that win the Premiership described as boring or being able to grind out ugly wins (Chelsea or Manchester United, for example); winning games by one goal even though they played poorly. On the other hand, there are teams that play some of the best football on display in any league, with an incredible strike force or elegant build-up play (stand up Arsenal) and still do not win.  The hard reality is that these teams lose sight of the value – winning games – because they are focused on elegant activity, on quality and on productivity.

We want to hear about the value delivered – the games won – not the productivity of the team. Conversations revolve around how to get value to the customers, how to understand what the customers need, and how to deliver that value quickly, with the minimum of fuss.

Experiments are the New Black

Agile organizations are continually learning, basing decisions at all levels on small experiments in which they learn something about how to move quickly toward their goals. This focus on continually learning through micro-experiments extends throughout the organization, from how the teams work to what the teams work on. Agile development teams can use it to determine if a new practice will help them deliver better quality code and Product Owners can use it to determine if customers will really use the great new feature they’re developing. Continually learning is predicated on designing a small change, and testing whether that change improves your outcomes or not. Keep the ones that move you forward and change the ones that hold you back.

As groups make the transition from doing a lot of work to doing the right work, one obvious question always comes up: How do we know what the right work is?

It is a natural tendency in many organizations to use assumptions to make these decisions. Perhaps you’ve heard comments around your company like “everyone knows that…”, “none of our users…”, or “everyone’s code includes…”. Yet you wouldn’t plan a road trip from Seattle to New York by assuming any road going east will get you there, so why would you base critical decisions on assumptions about your business or customers. Instead, agile organizations target these assumptions and find the true answers before making their decisions. In Eric Ries’s Lean Startup book, this practice is aptly referred to as Validated Learning.

Most organizations will transition from assumption-based decisions to validating decisions in hindsight. As the organization gets better at framing their validation experiments in smaller pieces and gets more proficient at extracting informative data out of their experiments, they will begin to be more proactive in their validated learning.

Don’t Take Anything for Granted, Even Agile Practices

A case in point. Many new agile teams struggle to complete valuable work within the sprint constraints of Scrum. One team we worked with wasn’t sure that well-defined user stories with acceptance criteria would really help resolve this challenge for them, so they created an experiment around it. For the next month (two sprints for them), the team and Product Owner would commit to a strong definition of ready, creating a clear understanding of what the team was being asked to deliver. In the sprint reviews, if the resulting work from each story matched what the end user was looking for, they’d know that this practice was effective in solving their problem. On the other hand, if they kept missing the mark and incurring expanding scope on their work, they’d know that this practice was not enough to help them deliver value in their sprint. This was a short, well-defined experiment that helped the team take a step towards owning their delivery process.


Adopting agile is a journey and every organization is at a different place in that journey. So  how do you know you are moving along in the right direction, at a decent pace without too many detours?

We believe you have to listen out for two things:

  • How often are you talking about (and following through) on value delivery to the customer? Remember value delivery is more important than productivity.

  • How many discussions do you hear on the experiments that teams are working on? Remember, Status quo is not the goal, but the baseline; continual learning and improvement is the goal.

So, how well are you doing? Join us on LinkedIn to continue the discussion! (agile42 #WhyAgile Discussion Group)


Scrum and ETF in German journal BANKMAGAZIN

Agile methodologies are discussed in an article by Christian Kemper appearing this month on the German publication BANKMAGAZIN, specialising in topics for the finance professionals.

Titled Innovation goes different (Innovation geht anders in original), it explains that “the digital revolution in German banking institutions is taking place in an orderly fashion. However, in order to develop new ideas flexibility is needed.” In Germany, when a new digital bank service is set up online, it is usually already outdated. Long, drawn-out decision-making processes delay the release to the market. That’s the reason why it has been so difficult for these institutions to race at the same pace as the fast moving young, innovative finance and technology companies or Fintechs.

The article goes on to illustrate Scrum and features an interview with agile42 founder and CEO Marion Eickmann who explains the Enterprise Transition Framework used by agile42 in large organizations, which relies on pilot projects to be used as experiments before rolling out a larger transition company-wide. A diagram of the ETF is included in the piece.

You can download a PDF with the article (in German).

Meet the Coach: Andrea Tomasini

Andrea Tomasini is a strategic coach, one of the founders of agile42, and one of the few Scrum experts who are both Certified Scrum Coach and Certified Scrum Trainer by the Scrum Alliance. He’s also a prolific public speaker, talking often at technical and managerial conferences. In October he will deliver the keynote at the annual Manage Agile conference in Berlin, titled “Stop scaling… Start growing an Agile Organization”.

Can you summarize for us the career path that led to founding agile42?

Well, that is a pretty long story… once upon a time, I was thinking that mechanical engineering would have provided me with a good basis to start a successful job and make a wonderful career. Well half way through university, I decided to turn toward Electronic Engineering, which looked more promising, and finally I moved toward Software Engineering. I started working on shared projects with the University and some local companies, and then grew in one of those till the point where I was leading a large development team.

I have always been fascinated by how fast software engineers could mess up very simple things such as “working agreements” and informal processes. I have also experienced over and over again how hard it was to get highly skilled and specialized people to think in a non-analytical way for social and group problem solving. I always felt like the human factor was missing, and that working with well defined processes in a creative and problem solving world, wasn’t really a good idea.

So I started looking at different ways and approaches, System Thinking (with Peter Senge at the Sloan School of Business), Process Reengineering with Michael Hammer and even CMM from the Software Engineering Institute seemed to fall short of solving the problems which really mattered… Clients are people and they often don’t know what they need. Even if they can articulate what they want, it doesn’t mean they are always right! So how could we communicate better? How could we find way to cope with that level of uncertainty without actually ending up blaming it on the clients?

A bit of light on these questions was shed in my ever-enquirying mind, when I started reading about Lean Product Development. I was immediately attracted by the innovative idea of involving the client in the product development and seeing the process of creating something new. I saw this more as an exercise of creating knowledge – with a by-product – than as something mechanical. The admission that delivering fast helps to learn fast, and that trying to get things right from the beginning is foolish at best (since that is the moment in which we know the least about the problem that we are trying to solve), really hit home for me. Then, i looked into agile methods and experienced many ways of organizing teams and working towards integrating different organizations. From my experience, a lean approach focusing on simple metrics to measure delivery of value and related indicators such as lead time, throughput rates and variation rates have proven much more effective than the attempt of squeezing or tailoring a defined process into another organization.

It felt way to often like trying to fit the “glass slipper” on the foot of a lady other than Cinderella. While people seem to be willing to fit it, as they have been fascinated by the beauty and the clarity of how the slipper looked, they still had to cramp their feet to even try to get into it… with incredible and sometimes unbearable pain. So after some years in the capacity of CTO, trying to integrate different parts of the organization in a more seamless way of working and being constantly hindered by politics and changing priorities, I decided to move on.

Luckily I have been able to find other people that like me are passionate about helping others: to work more effectively, to be more engaged, and to have more fun in their everyday working life. This common passion and the idea of sharing it with the rest of the world allowed us to formulate a vision which brought us to found agile42.

You probably always need to explain the name?

The name was quite a challenge, we all loved The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (by Douglas Adams) and we needed to have “42″ in the name. The meanings are multiple: – 42 is the length of a Marathon in Kilometers, signifying that even working agile, we need to think at the long term goals, and not just at the short sprint level… – 42 is obviously the “Ultimate answer to life, the universe… and everything”, which turned out to be pretty useless as people realized that after 7,5 Million years, the original question went forgotten! So as we wanted to focus on coaching from the very beginning, we appreciate the value of the “questions” more than the answers themselves. We truly believe that through questioning and other coaching techniques we can help people to initiate a change which they will own, and by doing so, will nurture indefinitely.

So that’s it and at about the end of 2005 the idea of agile42 was born…

What is an “Agile Transition” for a large company or organization? Is it ever possible to change mentality and the company culture?

Not an easy question at all… First things first: we like the term “Transition” as opposed to “Transformation” because it helps valorize where we start from, and projects the idea of an evolution rather than a complete radical change. It even sounds less dramatic to some extent. Moreover as we have learned through many years of experience, changing has to do with people and culture much more than it has to do with processes and tools.

We all know that when it comes to vote for change, everyone is on board, till the they have to change… We also know that culture has a strong inertial pull and most of it is happening whether we want it or not, as we often hear: “Culture eats strategy for breakfast”. So how can we help a company to identify what they want to become as well as what culture would best support their business goals? How can we understand what is the predominant culture today, and plan a smooth transition toward that target culture that will work as a cradle to consolidate the right structure and organization to achieve the business goals? And finally how in this process can we make sure that people will be treated respectfully and will feel fulfilled in their profession, and will act as enablers rather than resisting the change?

The answer to all these very specific questions, is what we call an organizational transition, and specifically we try to add as many Lean and Agile ingredients to the pot, as possible. I have been a promoter of “being agile vs doing agile” for a very long time now, and there isn’t any better way of making people understand that agile and lean are simply different way of thinking about value, the client, the knowledge and the problem solving, and are not even specifically limited to software development.

More often than not, organizations come to us because they want “to do the agile thing” in their development department, so that their productivity will increase. This is the reality we are dealing with every day, the adoption of “agile methods” is not a change of practices and tools, as much as it is a change of the way of thinking about everything. The best way to learn this different way of thinking is by internalizing the principles behind it, which is what we try to teach during our training sessions. The difficult thing though is that to be able to internalize the principles deeply, you need to practice them. So simply put, agile and lean are simple in principle, but not easy in practice.

So company culture is not a secondary goal of an Agile transition but rather the main target?

The company culture is a very important thing, it is what makes a company different, unique and many times successful, because it entails “the way we do things around here”. It is the embedded codex that is transferred to every new employee joining the company, and it takes quite a long time before people get used to it, comply to it, understand it, internalize it, and finally live it as their own way of doing things. This very individual process is often the blocker of many change management initiatives. Organizations are pushing changes through their ranks, often disrespecting the individuals needs and values, forcing them to step into unknown areas, and losing trust and confidence in the process. In some cases this can even be a very disorienting experience.

So often, people in large corporations have learned to “cope” with the change, by complying very quickly, keep on living their own way, and waiting for the next change to happen, because it will happen, as the results of the first one won’t be as good as expected. The truth is that we will never know, because every organizational design in principle sounds and seems fit to fulfill the purpose, but miserably fails in the implementation. What really fails though is the way we are driving the change, and not the change in itself. In our many years of experience in helping small startup, medium enterprises and large corporations, we have came to value some fundamental driving principles, that are today embedded in what we call the Enterprise Transition Framework (ETF). It is not really a product, as many think, and no, you can’t buy it, because changing is an individual journey and everyone needs to go through it. This is why we talk about growing agile organizations, instead of scaling agile delivery, or implementing agile scaled models, or even doing agile.

Video from the presentation of “Stop scaling… Start growing an agile organization” at Scan Agile 2015 in Helsinki

One of the core of agility lies in the capability of continuously improving based on empirically validated knowledge. Simply put, try and fail or succeed, and learn from it. So an agile organization is an organization that grows around a core of values and principles which are supportive of a continuous improvement attitude. To achieve this attitude, we need a culture that is suited for collaboration, shared responsibility, servant leadership, maybe innovation, experimentation and is allowing failures to happen as one of the best way to learn fast. This culture needs to be grown and fostered, and then the agile and lean tools will provide the values they are supposed to and contribute to support the organization and the people to continuously evolve to more and more optimal ways of delivering value by learning how to solve ever new and challenging customer problems.

So yes, it is possible to change the culture and the mentality of people, it is actually the ultimate goal of coaching to be able to change the behaviour of a person for the better, indefinitely. Long lasting and sustainable change is at the center of the ETF, and needs to be supported by a culture which needs to be designed and nurtured, and can’t be left to chance. Understanding this is the very first step toward starting to draw a strategy (for this we have created the Agile Strategy Map) to transition the organization towards the most appropriate culture to fulfill the goals it is aiming at.

The concept of “fitness for purpose” which is very strong in the Kanban community is a good metaphor to understand why the organization is nothing more than an instrument to achieve whatever purpose a company wants to fulfill. We need to learn to be more resilient to change, which is one of the reasons why many companies are moving toward a more lean and agile approach today. The change in the market rules, the globalization, the time to market expectations are all factors which are emerging in every market, and push corporations to their limit, sometimes it is too late when they realize that they needed to change faster.

The core to faster change lies in the speed at which an organization can reinvent itself to fulfill the new purpose. This itself doesn’t lie on the level of alignment towards a common goal, which if changing frequently isn’t providing a very stable bearing, but lies in a cohesive and explicit culture, which will reinforce a set of common values and principles which in turn will support a consistent and common behaviour. So it isn’t only possible to change the culture of an organization, but it is the only way to make sure that that very organization will be able to survive the ever more demanding market requirements. Looking at very successful companies on the market today, that have been on the market for 10 years or more, we can learn how much they needed to change and reinvent themselves in order to continue to excel, and we should be humble enough to look beyond practices, structures and tools. If we don’t understand culture, and we don’t learn to foster it, we won’t be able to grow and compete in tomorrows marketplace.

Sometimes “Agile” is treated like a recipe book for a new process to pick and implement. You seem willing to break this assumption anytime you have a chance…

Very true, as mentioned before, I do hate statements such as “doing agile”. To be even more specific “agile” is not even a methodology, but was the best way to “sell” it as it is what people at the time understood better. Agile it is more an umbrella encompassing a set of values and principles, which have been implemented into practices in different frameworks such as Scrum, eXtreme Programming, Feature Drive Development, Dynamic System Development Method, Lead Software Development and even Crystal Methods. All of which share very few practices, and have different focuses, but still share all values and principles which are in the Agile Manifesto since 2001. So to close it very bluntly, “either you are agile or you are not, and the fact that you are practicing Test Driven Development, or you are standing up in front of a whiteboard full of post-it’s, ain’t going to cut it!”.

The Agile world is growing and evolving, do you see a clear direction for future years?

This is an interesting question, yes the agile world is growing, and the agile community has a great responsibility in supporting that growth. Agile is mainstream, today almost every market sector started experimenting with agile and lean approaches, because they provide a stronger adaptability and a great foundation for continuous improvement.

As a consequence of agile growing, and its marketability expanding, we see more and more people and companies jumping on the agile “band wagon” because they see it as a business opportunity. This is nothing new, it happens all the time any idea is reaching a market understanding which is deep enough to justify an economical venture, so no surprise here. Where we need to pay attention, and keep on using our passion and dedication to the agile and lean way of thinking is in being supportive and tolerant of this phenomenon, and focus on being inclusive rather than exclusive.

Our own agile42 vision is about helping as many people and organizations out there to learn, understand and use agile and lean to their own advantages, because we want people to unleash their potential, because we want organizations to be successful, so everybody will be better off. We invest an immense amount of time in creating intellectual properties which are consumable by others, and focus on transporting the right agile mindset across, to people who might not be so lucky to be coached by one of our excellent coaches (no pun intended, just self pride).

We create tools such as: Agile Strategy Map, Coaching Structure, Business Value Game, Enterprise Transition Framework and even the new Team Coaching Framework which are available under a Creative Common license. All we ask people to do is to use them, and provide feedback out of their experience so that we can improve the tools and have a wider impact on the community. We also developed a lot of games such as: LEGO Extreme Scrum Game, LEGO Cynefin Game, Kanban Pizza Game, and more so that people can learn about new powerful frameworks in a playful and safe to fail environment which is the ideal way of learning by failing fast and repeatedly.

So where is the future going, I can’t really tell, but the clear trend is toward bringing agile beyond practices, more and more large corporations are expanding their agility beyond the teams and there are very few tools in that space, and it is a whole area where new frameworks need to be developed. Recently there has been a big fuzz on the media about Zappos adopting Holacracy which is nothing more than one attempt of filling exactly that space, how does an agile organization work? Why do we stick to the traditional form of organization which have been working in the past, but where the market challenges were completely different from what they are today? So the future of agile is to be able to grow in that space, and support organizational culture and growth beyond processes and tools, scaling delivery is not the challenge, there are more than enough models out there, that work.

The real challenge is to grow an agile culture which will make an organization resilient to changes, and very quick to adapt to whatever else the future will reserve us.

Scrum Gathering South Africa 2015

We are very happy to announce the date and ticket availability for SUGSA 2015 – the yearly Scrum Gathering South Africa sponsored by the Scrum Alliance to be held in Johannesburg 19-20 October, and also a massive discount to the first 100 tickets!

SUGSA 2015

The theme for this year is Unlikely Heroes: “the Agile and Scrum world is littered with Unlikely Heroes, those who see beyond the ordinary to find extraordinary superpowers in the values and techniques. Whether you are a hero in training or a superhero, come and find new superpowers and uncover the kryptonite at this year’s gathering of Unlikely Heroes.”

This year we will have 3 tracks to explore, share and inspire on how we have overcome challenges through our strengths, smarts, or sheer dedication, and help each other find answers to better our worlds.

Is it necessary to be an experienced Scrum Master to coach a Scrum Master?

My understanding of the intention behind the necessity

A good coach needs empathy for the client, needs to understand the job of the client well enough to help him and needs to be respected by the client.

Some people have the opinion “You need to work in the role from time to time, so that you know what you are coaching about”,  or “Without actual hands-on experience in the job there is the risk that you start to live in an ivory tower”. I respect that this opinion has some validity. It could be difficult to guide the client if all they get from you is theory and dogma.

The questions is: In order to be a good coach, is it required to work operational from time to time?

My experience is different

During the last five years I worked as a Scrum Master for a few months. It’s a while ago.

Honestly, my biggest advantage with my limited experience at the beginning was that it helped me to be open. It helped me to observe and learn. I didn’t need to unlearn bad habits.

I am fortunate to have a brilliant environment to learn and develop my capabilities as an agile coach at agile42.

A good agile coach needs to be aware that there are common patterns, problems repeat and every customer is different.

The ability to conceptualise the situation and a systemic perspective is more important than having all the solutions.

In the last few years I have been moving more towards coaching and facilitation, while remaining concrete through mentoring and advising. I dive less into context and stay more on the meta-level, which enables my clients and coachees to act on their own.

Mentoring, advising and teaching was filling the gaps where coaching wasn’t enough. While people demand and deserve concrete answers, we have to pay attention to keep maximum ownership to them. Otherwise we would create a risk of them just following our advice blindly. The reality is that they know much more about the environment and should make those decisions.

By learning to let the coachee make the decisions, my coaching has become more effective. I believe this is because I don’t make myself the bottleneck by trying to understand their situation with all the details. This approach allows the results to stay in a sustainable way and improve over time.

Knowing exactly how it works in some environments, doesn’t mean you are better prepared to help others to find their solution. There is a tendency to just try to place the solutions of the previous engagements and failing to recognise that the game is a different one.

I experience this tendency often at conferences “in the battle of the best solution” and as challenge for people who are freshly minted as agile coaches.

These observations let me think about the previous experience not only as a benefit, but also as a burden.

A path on how to do a good job with limited first-hand experience

From my perspective, the following aspects give me the frame to become a great coach and a little bit better every day:

Our coaching approach is concise on when teaching, mentoring, advising and coaching are most appropriate. It helps me to have the balance between being concrete without being prescriptive and creating ownership for the client on their solutions from the beginning.

Our set-up with the client of working in short engagements as opposed to working with the client permanently  has helped me to keep the outside perspective and to leave the operational doing to the people. Stepping in and doing their job isn’t an option when my guidance isn’t good enough. Prescriptive guidance would quickly lead to dysfunctions that I can’t fix. I need to be an effective guide to help them in a sustainable way.

Close exchange and reflections with fellow coaches help me to stay up to date and to be challenged to achieve the best results. In order to be able to talk with the colleagues, I need to be able to have a good systemic perspective. The diversity of the coaches helps to see multiple perspectives and new options to approach situations.

Working with different clients, clients of different sizes and different industries helps me to understand that problems are similar, and still every client represents a new challenge.

The feedback over the long run. I stay in contact with many clients and their feedback is my compass to my work. This helps me to reflect on what makes my coaching effective and what needs to be improved.


Many agile coaches cite books as their holy grail without any practical experience which sometimes is weird and annoying.

A good agile coach needs to have experience and build up his capabilities. Achieving this through hands-on experience in the client’s role is one approach.

Use football as an example. Some great coaches have been great players previously and others have not been. There are alternative frames to become a great coach.

To make it clear, I’m not against such experience. It could be the right thing for some people to grow and develop their capabilities.

My point is: Statements like “You need …, you have to …” are inappropriate.

You need a frame that helps you with your personal development and being confident to deliver good results to your clients.

Above, I have shared my personal understanding.

I respect and value other approaches and I insist: Every agile coach needs an approach to constantly get better.

What is yours?

Photo “Scrum” by MontyPython