A Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe™) Case Study

You can download this case study as a white paper (PDF, 6.3 MB). A version also appears on VersionOne blog.

A leading Cable Television company faced long and challenging development cycles with quality problems. Guided by a small team of coaches*, they successfully implemented the Scrum framework with SAFe™ to scale up to 150 people delivering their set-top box/DVR software and server-side systems to support the DVRs. The following challenges drove the need for change:

  • 12+ month release cycle; unable to respond to a rapidly changing marketplace
  • Missed delivery dates; schedule slippage
  • Quality problems due to late integration and 3 concurrent versions in development

Agile methods and SAFe™ reduced time-to-market for major releases from 12+ to only 4 months, the shortest practical timeframe given the cost of deploying firmware to over 11 million DVRs nationwide. Releases changed to fixed-date; scope was managed and prioritized to ensure that all business capabilities were delivered on-time, even though some low priority features (‘bells and whistles’) were cut to meet the delivery date. Quality improved significantly as a result of earlier and more frequent integration testing which is fundamental to the Agile approach. SAFe™ was tailored to the organization’s unique needs after piloting elements of it on a smaller scale. Key conclusions:

  • The Agile Release Train model is effective for coordinating efforts of multiple, tightly integrated teams toward a short-term delivery.
  • Many elements of SAFe™ are can be eliminated or scaled back when teams are working on decoupled or only loosely integrated products, features, or components; the Program level in particular may be excessive.
  • SAFe™ is sometimes implemented in its entirety in a “big bang” change. This is possible but extremely challenging and risky. Our  recommendation is to implement elements of SAFe™ in pilot mode to address known pain points, empirically determining which elements work and how, rather than pushing unproven changes to large swaths of the organization.

Scaled Agile Framework® overview

The ScaledAgileFramework website thoroughly describes the SAFe™ model. SAFe™ defines three levels for scaling an Agile organization:

  1. Portfolio
  2. Program
  3. Team

At the portfolio level, Lean-Agile principles are applied to balance workload with delivery capacity and optimize value delivered, while aligning architectural efforts. At the Program level, product features are integrated and tested often by a System team. At the team level, multiple Agile teams build and test small features within a single business domain or system component, and deliver running, tested features (user stories) on a set cadence (usually every 2 weeks) to the System team. SAFe™ prescribes fixed released dates with variable scope using the release train metaphor; if a feature misses the train (the date), it has to wait for the next release train.

Other frameworks for scaling agile methods are also useful in many contexts, including Disciplined Agile Development, Large Scale Scrum from Larman/Vodde, and Scrum of Scrums.

Managing change: evolution or revolution?

At agile42, we recommend an incremental and empirical approach to introducing agile practices at scale, rather than prescribing one particular framework to implement. Scaling lean-agile practices is a complex problem and every organization’s context is unique. Long-term success is more likely with an empirical and evolutionary approach, as described in agile42’s Enterprise Transition Framework™.

  1.  Assess challenges to identify specific needs for improvement
  2. Pilot changes in a low-risk way
  3. Empirically measure the results of the change
  4. If the pilot succeeds, expand the practice more broadly
  5. Repeat…

In the cable TV case study, agile practices were first piloted by 2 teams. We tried many of the SAFe™ practices thru the pilot efforts and used the lessons learned to guide the expansion of Agile and SAFe™.

Where the full SAFe™ framework was excessive

A different agile42 client, a financial institution, issued a corporate mandate to implement SAFe™. In this case, teams did their best to implement all of SAFe™ in a “big bang” rollout. It became clear after a few releases (4 months) that significant portions of SAFe™ were unnecessary, and even counter-productive in their context. Their five teams were each working on mostly independent applications, and there was no need for the overhead and coordination of a Program-level agile release train so they abandoned it, allowing teams to operate more independently. An evolutionary approach could have helped this organization learn what parts of SAFe™ were applicable in their context in a less disruptive manner.

Reducing time to market

In our case study, the cable TV company changed their release cycles as shown in Figure 1.  


Product dev cycle before and after

Figure 1 – Product dev cycle before and after

The agile development cycle uses the release train concept from SAFe™. Releases have a fixed date, and scope is selected — and adjusted if necessary — in order to meet the deadline. If a feature misses the train, it has to wait for the next train. By aggressively prioritizing scope throughout development, and frequently integrating and testing, this model ensures that a viable product with the most important features will be ready on the planned date.

Portfolio Planning

The R&D organization started with a list of over 150 requests for features (projects) from the business. Senior leadership formed a Product Council consisting of 10 Product Owners (product managers), each of whom was aligned with a particular business area, plus R&D Directors. The Product Owners each made a ‘sales pitch’ for the highest value projects/features in their own domain, and the Product Council stack-ranked all the requests that might fit into a 4-month development cycle based on ballpark estimates. Ranking was accomplished by first scoring each request on a number of criteria: importance to business stakeholders, alignment with strategic initiatives, and cost of delay (urgency). This objective scoring cut the number of ‘contenders’ down to a more manageable number, from which point the Council members used a multi-voting technique to arrive at a final ranking.

Agile team structure

See Figure 2 for a description of team structure before and after. Before Agile was introduced, most of the people worked in large teams organized around technology components: the DVR (client) component and several back-end server components. Most of the business features however, required both client and server.  As a result, there was no clear ownership of the end-to-end business value. In the agile model, most of the people were organized into smaller feature teams (purple in Figure 2 below), each one owning features across client and server for one area of the business. One component team on the server side remained focused on building a major new architectural service. To maintain design integrity across feature teams, virtual platform teams coordinated designs across all the feature teams, as shown by the dotted line boxes  in Figure 2.

At first, the management team thought it wouldn’t be possible to form small cross-functional feature teams because each one would require too many people across too many specialties. So they put the names of every person on a separate card and began moving them around, trying to form feature teams of 10 people maximum. The managers were surprised to find that could form feature teams with only few gaps in skill sets and a handful of specialists (such as DBAs) who would need to serve multiple teams. Some organizations have accomplished the same structure through self-organization: allowing all the team members to collectively choose teams, rather than having a few managers do it. This organization wasn’t quite ready to embrace that idea.

Team structure before and after

Figure 2: Team structure before and after   

Release train (4 month) planning

Figure 3 below gives an overview of the release train timeline. 

Overview of the release trains from portfolio planning to delivery

Figure 3: Overview of the release trains from portfolio planning to delivery

  • 4 weeks of portfolio planning
  • 2 weeks for each team’s independent release train planning
  • 1 day for all teams to build a combined plan for the release
  • 4 months for building and testing – using 2-week sprints/iterations

With the portfolio priorities clear, and team structure decided, each new team spent about 2 weeks doing high-level release train planning. Each release train was a 4-month period culminating in an integrated delivery from all the teams. Each Product Owner decomposed high-level business requests (features or projects) into smaller pieces (called stories), and prioritized the stories. The newly formed teams independently estimated the scope they could deliver in 4 months and identified dependencies on other teams.

The entire R&D organization (about 120 people) gathered in one room for the 1-day release planning event, except for one team that joined remotely by video conference. 1-day release planning agenda:

  • VP of R&D shared the vision and goals for the upcoming 4-month release train
  • Marketplace of collaboration: Each of the 10 teams had a large, visible timeline of features they planned to deliver in 4 months. People circulated between teams to better understand synergies and negotiate dependencies. (See Figure 4)
  • Each team adjusted their plan to reflect newly discovered dependencies and adjusted scope
  • All teams combined their release plans into a single visible timeline covering the 4-month period. (See Figure 5)
  • A retrospective on the one-day event: lessons learned to improve the next one.


One team’s release plan on the wall; collaboration with other team members

Figure 4: One team’s release plan on the wall; collaboration with other team members

Combined release train plan for all 10 teams

Figure 5: Combined release train plan for all 10 teams

Delivery Sprints

Each team worked in 2-week sprints (development iterations) throughout the four-month release train.  The system test team integrated the work of all teams every sprint to test new features and run a regression test on the entire system. Some tests were automated but many required manual validation of video. The Product Owners from each meet met biweekly (once per sprint) to coordinate their work; additional team members participated when necessary. The final 2-week sprint was a ‘hardening sprint’ with all hands on deck to perform final regression testing.


  • The release was delivered on time with 100% of planned business capabilities delivered and 95% of planned low-level features included.
  • Quality was higher than previous long-cycle releases: fewer total defects total and fewer severe defects were discovered post-release.
  • The one-day release planning event was an overwhelming success. People really appreciated the opportunity to understand the big picture and quickly reach a common understanding of the goal and scope of the release.


  • Reaching consensus on portfolio priorities was difficult and time-consuming. The Business Value Game or Buy a Feature would make it more effective.
  • Forming feature-oriented teams was initially viewed as impractical due to the large number of specialists required to build the perfect team. Through many rounds of name-swapping, we arrived at a set of teams that each was focused on a single business value stream and consisted mostly of full-time dedicated people. A small number of specialists spread their time between multiple teams to fill specific gaps.
  • Regression testing every two weeks was possible only because the organization had invested in test automation. Still, some testing was manual and incremental testing was a significant shift for the system testing team. 
  • One of the feature teams struggled to integrated the client-side and server-side developers into a truly integrated team. They reporting structure and culture separated those two disciplines, and in practical terms they worked as 2 separate teams.


SAFe™ was an appropriate model for the cable TV company because multiple teams are all building a single integrated and complex product. Prior to adopting SAFe™, the organization had already piloted Scrum on two teams with the help of experienced coaches, and learned how to make Scrum work in their context. This evolutionary approach to adopting Agile and SAFe™  was a critical factor in learning how to succeed in delivering on-schedule with high quality.

The experience of the financial institution, on the other hand, where  SAFe™ was mandated, demonstrates the risk of wholesale adoption of a prescriptive framework without first piloting changes on a smaller scale and measuring the results. The financial institution learned that much of SAFe™ was overkill in their context.

Key conclusions summarized

  • The release train model is effective for coordinating efforts of multiple, tightly integrated teams toward a short-term delivery.
  • Many elements of SAFe™ are can be eliminated or scaled back when teams are working on decoupled or only loosely integrated products, features, or components; the Program level in particular may be excessive.
  • SAFe™ is sometimes implemented in its entirety in a “big bang” change. This is possible but extremely challenging and risky. Our  recommendation is to implement elements of SAFe™ in pilot mode, evolving as you learn which elements work and how, rather than pushing unproven changes to large swaths of the organization. The agile42 Enterprise Transition Framework™ takes the evolutionary approach.

* Many thanks to the coaches who joined me in this effort: Manny Segarra, Deanna Evans, and Ken McCorkell

Evento Lean Kanban in Italia il 30 maggio

Abbiamo il piacere di invitare al primo evento in Italia dedicato a Lean Kanban organizzato sotto l’egida della prestigiosa Lean-Kanban University. Lean Kanban Southern Europe 2014: Modern Managament Methods si terrà a Bologna il 30 maggio per una platea internazionale con la partecipazione dei migliori speaker internazionali che promuovono i valori Lean e il Kanban Method.

È la prima volta che questa conferenza si tiene in Italia ed è un’occasione unica per ascoltare e incontrare personaggi di rilievo mondiale. La conferenza è stata organizzata in una giornata singola, in una location facilmente raggiungibile, per consentire di partecipare e godere di personalità di discussione e networking con un gruppo limitato.

Tra gli speaker:

  • David J Anderson, punto di riferimento della comunità Lean Kanban e autore del libro Kanban
  • Bjarte Bogsnes, VP Performance Management Development in Statoil e Chairman della Beyond Budgeting Round Table Europe (parlerà proprio sul tema Beyond Budgeting)
  • Joakim Sundén, Agile Coach in Spotify, che ci parlerà della loro evoluzione Lean da piccola startup a azienda in crescita rapidissima

ETF and scaled Agile frameworks

Following the heated discussions about SAFe (and our own bit of fun), it’s worth checking how agile42 approach matches the expectation and solutions of large size Agile models that are being evaluated by corporations involved in transitioning their methodologies.

The agile42 Enterprise Transition Framework™ (ETF) supports the adoption of the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD) and other scaled agile frameworks. The ETF enables structured and strategic organizational change, and will help you deploy SAFe, DAD or any other framework.

We recognize that organizations are complex systems. We also know that in a complex system, no best practices or even good practices exist. Instead, practices must be created or emerge to fit the needs of the organization. Agility rises from emergent adaptive behavior, initiated locally by people close to the problem, and scaled globally through experimentation and adaptation. The ETF fosters and supports this agile journey.

Change, if it is to be sustainable, must be driven by your own employees. An external consultant cannot change on your behalf, and when the consultant is gone the changing will drift to a stop. The ETF helps you build sustainable change in two distinct ways. Firstly, agile42 will give you the theory and show you in practice how the ETF results in structured and strategic change. Secondly, agile42 will train your trainers and coach your coaches, so that they can spread the knowledge and methods across your company. This allows your coaches to quickly take the lead, resulting in a sustainable agile transition.

The Enterprise Transition Framework gives you process agility and kickstarts you on your path towards product agility. It gives you tools, theories and methods for effective organizational change. Using these tools, deploying one of the “big models” like SAFe or DAD becomes much simpler and easier. You can reduce the dependence on “big model” consultants, and drive the implementation in a way that makes sense to you, in your own timeframe and on your own terms.

We have compiled a larger FAQ document that puts in prospective agile42 approach in a large environment.

black and white dolphin in water

Dealing with team conflict and problem solving – Drama Triangle Model

As a Team Coach or Scrum Master, conflict within a team is something we often have to deal with. Over the years I have come across a number of techniques that help resolve team conflict. Regardless of the technique you decide to use, its important to understand or try to see each individuals map of the world. Try to understand the position each team member is coming from, what state they are in, and how they interact with others based on the given scenario.

Drama Triangle

The Drama Triangle is a model that will assist you, the Team Coach or Scrum Master, understand how the team member is possibly dealing with the conflict within the team or any given scenario.

The Drama Triangle is a model developed by Stephen Karpman, in which a person takes on one of three habitual psychological roles within a particular situation. It is important to note that these roles occupy positions of behaviour and not statements of identity. Also important to note that one may perform one behaviour type in one context and quite another in a different context. Kordis and Lynch have transposed the model into the following symbolic roles. The three roles are:

    • The person who plays the role of a victim (The Carp)
    • The rescuer, who intervenes, seemingly out of a desire to help the situation, or the underdog (The Pseudo Enlightened Carp or P.E. Carp)
    • The person who pressures, coerces or persecutes the victim, plays the role of the persecutor (The Shark)

The Victim or the Carp
The victim experiences a sense of safety by submitting to others. In a threatening or conflict situation, the Carp will rather give in and avoid further conflict. The Carp believes that their views don’t count and have no value. There is another side to the Carp, they can manipulate a situation through anger, resentment and retaliation, so that they do not have to act as an adult or accept any responsibility. A Carp will often seek out a Shark so that they can fulfil their role of the victim.
“Without you, I am not ok”.

The Rescuer or the P.E. Carp
Of the three, the P.E. Carp is the least obvious role. The P.E. Carp does not play the role of a genuine rescuer in an emergency. What they really need is to maintain the status quo or to escalate the drama to continue to feel that they have value. Although they appear to have a strong motive for resolving the problem, their actual motive is not to succeed. They need to feel like they are depended on or trusted. They are the solution hero.
“I am not ok, you are not ok, that’s ok”.

The Persecutor or the Shark
The Shark believes that they are never the one at fault, and is quick to blame someone else. They love the power of manipulating and moving or pushing people around. They are your proverbial bully. They need to be right at all costs and will not back down, whatever the consequences. They focus on getting their own way all the time, resulting in Sharks being easily fooled or losing sight of what the problem is. Their behaviour results in going over and over the same problem without resolving it or finding a solution.
“Without me, you are not ok”

It is often the case that a person will move from one role to another. Consider this scenario: “Why does this always happen to me? (Victim). It’s all your fault this happened (Persecutor). It’s ok, I am sure I will solve your problem (they actively disempower the other) (Rescuer). An individual may assume an alternative role depending on the group dynamic or circumstance. All three roles love drama and all three are victims with different masks.

During a conflict situation, it’s important to see which role is being played by whom. In some cases, it will be obvious which is the default role one particular person plays, which is helpful. Most times, however, people will move between roles.

It will take time for you to develop the skill to identify who is playing which role, and you might not always get it right in the beginning; that’s ok. Some people will be more transparent than others. For example, a persecutor who is passive aggressive will not show any of the expected behaviours, but under the surface they are a ticking time bomb. This isn’t helpful in the moment, but at some point, they will show their true colours. This may help in any future conflict as you will have a better understanding of the role this person may be playing. Watching their behaviour and listening to their language is key to identifying the role being played, and sometimes these behaviours can blur.

The role of the Team Coach or Scrum Master is to identify who is playing which role in the current situation. Knowing this can help anticipate the behaviours acted out by each role, and prevent people getting stuck. It is important here to rather keep moving forward to finding a solution to the conflict or problem

The Dolphin

It’s only fair that if the other roles are metaphors of fish, that the Team Coach or Scrum Master has a fish metaphor as well. Introducing The Dolphin! Ok, so it’s not a fish, but it is a marine animal :).

The Dolphin has the ability to remain cantered and stay out of the drama. His attitude is to identify the behaviours played out by the participants and work to bring out The Dolphin in all of them. He is creative, firm, solution oriented, he creates a space for others to manifest their brilliance. He is comfortable with conflict and sees it as an opportunity for constructive growth and as a platform to facilitate the system rising to a higher level of consciousness.

An exercise that you may want to consider, is to present the team with the Drama Triangle and get them to discuss, as a team or in small groups, the behaviours of each role. Ask if they have noticed these roles being played out. Give them some time to discuss and then ask them to think about which of the three roles they believe is their default. The objective is to try and get everyone to play the role of a Dolphin. By understanding and identifying these behaviours, they should be more self-aware. I would suggest that you only explore this exercise if you have developed a high level of safety and trust within the team.

The Drama Triangle is useful in many situations, from a family unit to an individual one. Keep an eye on how you respond in a stressful situation. While you are facilitating the resolution of a conflict situation or helping a team solve a problem, you are hopefully not emotionally involved and are therefore able to be the observer from a meta level. In a situation where you find yourself a player in a conflict situation, make a note of which role you seem to default to. The goal is to try and elevate the roles you play in these situations; to become a Dolphin in all situations, not only as a facilitator, but in your day to day life as well. Understanding and playing these roles, and being self-aware of when they change, allows you to have an idea of someone else’s map of the world, which gives you a better view point, to help you to guide.

Remember, a Dolphin always comes up for air, which removes him from the turbulent waters and allows him to keep an eye out on the horizon.

Original Drama Triangle model by Stephen Karpman (http://www.karpmandramatriangle.com/), Adapted by Sedrick Theodosiou – Inspiritu (http://www.inspiritu.co.za/)

agile42 introduces Agile Rubber-Stamp for Enterprises™

We see that many big enterprises want big enterprise agility. For this reason, agile42 is today introducing the Agile Rubber-Stamp for Enterprises™, a collection of practices that provide a one-size-fits-all approach to agility at scale.

The framework is based on stuff that worked a couple of years ago for a couple of large companies. These companies used continuous improvement techniques to develop the methods that we have now copied into the framework, and they have also evolved on from there. Unfortunately continuous improvement is old news and difficult to sell, so our framework carefully omits the underlying philosophy and jumps straight into product portfolio management with a dozen new roles and committees. As we all know, past practice is best practice!

Despite the fact that 99,9% of all companies are significantly smaller and are facing different problems, we believe that these practices will be useful for all companies. If some practices turn out not to be useful, then the framework can of course be tailored. In fact, we recommend that you tailor the framework before you deploy it. If you feel that the framework is so complicated that you don’t understand how it works, we recommend the services of our cadre of trained and certified ARSe™ Holistic Organizational-Lean Educators.

The implementation of ARSe™ will naturally be entirely risk free. We are not entirely sure how the transition is to be actually carried out, but we leave this little detail up to our consultants. After the transition, you will be agile! If your transition succeeds, it is proof that ARSe™ works. If it doesn’t succeed, it’s clear that you didn’t do it right.

Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information. We hope it will work for you, too!

Have a nice day – April 1st, 2014 that is!

Photo by Bekathwia – http://flic.kr/p/3R4xxq

Five books every ScrumMaster should read

This is a new series by agile42 coaches to help you build your Agile library (bookshelf or virtual that is!) It follows up on the great success of last year’s Summer Reading List that included an eclectic selection of titles ranging from business books to military history.

This first installation of Top Five Books is devoted to the key role in the Scrum process – the ScrumMaster. We have interviewed our colleagues and here’s a (difficult) selection.

Books, photo by RLHyde

Mike Cohn, Succeeding with Agile Software Development

As a ScrumMaster you don’t only need to know what Agile and Scrum are but also how to adopt them. Mike Cohn’s Succeeding with Agile gives you a good starting point on how to work with individuals, teams and the organization as a whole. On the individual level it provides with practical tips for overcoming resistance and help people to a new role. Not only it explains why small, self-organized and cross-functional teams are important but also gives you hints at the team level about creating teams, fostering teamwork and leading such a team. At the organizational level Succeeding with Agile provides the basics for scaling Scrum and dealing with the existing functions of an organization like HR or PMO, and with other projects. If you plan to succeed with Agile and Scrum this is the one book you should read.

Lyssa Adkins, Coaching Agile Teams

One of the most important duty of a ScrumMaster is to be the “team coach”… but what does “team coach” mean? What is “coaching”? In our opinion this book gives you the best definition of “team coach” you can read. It contains not only the vision and the definitions of “Agile coaching”, but also the practices, the advises, the approach, the everydays tricks and the practical actions that every coach must know.

Derby and Larsen, Agile Retrospectives: Making Good Teams Great

Retrospective is a key ceremony for any Scrum Team, maybe the most important, surely the most difficult to prepare and lead. This book is the best font of knowledge and inspiration for activities about team retrospectives. It gives a clear vision of all aspects concerning the ceremony and the ways to help team get continuously better. It’s also a good reference guide for a ScrumMaster who wants a easy to use and well explained catalog of activities. Every coach in agile42 have used this book as a source of inspiration.

Geoff Watts, Scrum Mastery: From Good To Great Servant-Leadership

The ScrumMaster role is one of the most misunderstood and underestimated roles of the Scrum framework. In his book Geoff not only will guide you through the process of deeply understanding what are the characteristics of a good ScrumMaster, and why those characteristics are important to perform in that role, but will also drive you with practical advice for becoming a great ScrumMaster. So if you want to learn how to go beyond the basics of facilitation and teaching the process to your teams, and if you want to elevate your focus from complying to the process to understanding and interiorizing the principles, as well as guide your team to higher level of performance, you shouldn’t miss this book. Geoff has over ten years of Scrum coaching experience and will guide you through his book using many interesting stories that will make the reading engaging and will make you reflect on your own experience. You will learn how to develop a stronger Servant-Leadership and that will allow you to increase the performance of your team.

An extra comment by Andrea Tomasini, agile42 strategic coach: “I enjoyed the reading and the structure with which Geoff is presenting all the cases, I strongly recommend his book to all ScrumMasters I coach.”

Sam Kaner, Facilitator’s Guide to Participatory Decision-Making

Besides being the “team coach” a ScrumMaster is a facilitator of collaboration. For most ScrumMaster’s out there this is where they have the least amount of experience. This books provides the ScrumMaster with the understand what facilitation is and how to do it. It contains the tools and models one needs to become an effective facilitator of collaboration. 

Other suggestions

(great books that didn’t make the cut…)

  • Dan Pink, Drive
  • Jean Tabaka, Collaboration Explained
  • Lencioni, 5 Dysfunctions of a team
  • Daniel Kahneman, Thinking, Fast and Slow
  • Marshall Rosenberg, Nonviolent Communication
  • Laura Whitworth et al., Co-Active Coaching
  • Stephen Denning, The Leader’s Guide to Radical Management


Photo by RLHyde – http://flic.kr/p/89D449

Safe and unsafe words…

The worldwide Agile community is debating these days mostly about one single thing, and this is the Scaled Agile Framework® or SAFe™ as it’s commonly known. We have studied extensively the subject both in the fields and as part of our Enterprise Transition Framework (ETF) approach which may include SAFe as a component according to the organization needs.

We will publish something very soon but as an end-of-week read we suggest you a selection of a few posts by popular leaders in the Agile and Lean community who have weighted on this Framework from their own points of view.

Pillow fight

It’s worth starting with a slightly older (August 2013) comment from Ken Schwaber (early proponent of the Agile Manifesto and Scrum). Ken takes issue with SAFe from an historical point of view, since it looks to him like a rehashing of older practices:

The boys from RUP (Rational Unified Process) are back. Building on the profound failure of RUP, they are now pushing the Scaled Agile Framework (e) as a simple, one-size fits all approach to the agile organization. They have made their approach even more complicated by partnering with Rally, a tools vendor. Consultants are available to customize it for you, also just like RUP.

Also David J Anderson, the proponent of the Kanban Method, wrote last year about it in the same fashion of “something old”:

SAFe is delivered as a framework that must be tailored. Ideally you pay an expert or team of experts to do this. They design your solution from elements within SAFe and then they manage a transition initiative to “install” the process solution in your organization. This approach fits right in with the requirements in CMMI ML3 for process tailoring. It could be straight out of a 1990s textbook on process engineering.

Most recently, the online discussion has been kickstarted by Dave Snowden in a strong worded blog post titled  SAFe: the infantilism of management where he writes “brutally SAFe seemed to be PRINCE II camouflaged in Agile language”. The post has been heavily commented and shared on Twitter and other social networks.

My strong and increasingly passionate argument was that SAFe is not only a betrayal of the promise offered by AGILE but is a massive retrograde step giving the managerial class an excuse to avoid any significant change. OK its a obey making machine but the same applies to snake oil salesmen and the South Sea Bubble. People will get damaged by this nonsense and it needs to be hamstrung at least, garrotted at best.

Such excuses abound and allowing these false linear models to perpetuate themselves is a form of infantilism, a failure to carry through on the need for change. In particular the failure to realise that software development needs to be seen as a service and as an ecology not as a manufacturing process.

Other commenters have participated, usually in the last weeks, to SAFe introductions and classes and they started discussing on finer points. We already linked Peter Saddington’s comprehensive review of what he’s witnessed in the training and his insights into the methodology from the point of view of an experienced Agile practitioners.

“I have no crystal ball. I can’t tell the future. One thing I can see happening is this: The SAFe model is the lowest barrier to entry for scaled agile work at the current moment.”

Ron Jeffries took a training as well, and he sees both good things and bad things in the approach.

I recently took the SAFe SPC training, with instructors Jennifer Fawcett and Al Shalloway. My bottom line assessment is that it will be a marketing success, organizations trying it will see improvement, and some will see great improvement.

And I don’t like it. SAFe isn’t really Agile in its heart. It does have many good elements, which I’ll talk about here. And I still don’t like it. I’ll talk about that as well.

SAFe will be successful in the market. People will benefit. They just won’t benefit nearly as much as they might if they set out to do things in a fashion that truly supports Agile Values and Principles.

SAFe is good. It’s just not good enough. It provides some benefit, but endangers an organization’s progress toward really high functioning. As someone who has been in the Agile movement since before it started, I do not like it. It’s fast food. You can do better.

Ron tackles a specific aspect which is, in fact, the main reason for SAFe:

SAFe’s fundamental assumption is “You’re large, therefore you need to ‘scale’, therefore organize like this and impose this approach.” That turns out to be wrong.

First of all, you’re probably not large, you’re probably kind of biggish. If you’re a Fortune 1000 company full of programmers, well, maybe. If you only have a few thousand programmers, probably not.

Second, most of your projects are not really very large. Most of them can be handled by a single Agile team, or a few Agile feature teams. All of these can be handled in the standard Scrum or Agile fashion, with an empowered Product Owner to guide them and a few joint meetings to keep coordinated.

Daniel Gullo wrote a very detailed report on his SAFe class from the point of view of a Certified Scrum Trainer.

As long as I am able to work with a client implementing “SAFe” and we are allowed to tailor it to include the helpful parts and throw out the harmful parts, I don’t see anything really evil or wrong with SAFe here.  What we are left with is doing precisely what I have already been doing for the last 8 years:  looking for how to instill the values and principles Agile and Lean in the culture of an organization so that a paradigm shift toward continuous innovation and customer delight happens.  The net result is that they understand why they are following the practices they choose to follow and not just blindly implementing methodologies.

If the ultimate answer [to most questions] is “It depends…” then I don’t see that SAFe is adding any value beyond what is already in the toolkit of most experienced Agile coaches.  There is a definite marketing bent toward the middle tier of management since Scrum does not provide a prescription for or limit on what middle management can or should do during an Agile transformation.  In fact, this targeting of middle tier management was made clear on the first day.  There are references made to centralizing some decisions and decentralizing others; i.e. making strategic decisions in business and management and more tactical, delivery decisions at the team level… just like in Scrum.  It’s the classic “what” vs “how” distinction.

What’s your opinion? Please share in the comments!

Photo “Pillow fight” by docpop

Video for Agile Embedded Software Development Keynote

Here’s the complete presentation of Agile Embedded Software Development, what’s wrong with it? as recorded during the Embedded meets Agile conference in Munich on February 18th.

Andrea and Bent analyzed some example cases that included the “limitations” often attached to Agile methods and also gave some hints on how to solve them. Finally they also attacked the “culture” issue. This is especially important for companies which grew out of hardware development and do not have a solid culture that include software, and therefore are stuck with waterfall development process and a traditional view on professional barriers for their employees. These companies are usually the ones not understanding that the complexity for years gone away from pure hardware, and landed in integrated product development. Without more focus in increasing quality of the process and the techniques to build – especially mission critical – functionality, the cost of failure are going to be very high, as the amount of bugs exposed to the users will rise and the competition sharpens at the same time.


Agilia and CSPO in Czech Republic

Next week I’m starting a trip to the beautiful Brno in Czech Republic that will include a talk at the Agilia conference on March 26th. I’ll speak about “Will agile work in my embedded development environment?”.

Agile approaches like Scrum is designed for software development, but will it also work when we add electronics development and mechanical construction to the practices? Come and get insights from the experiences of a Certified Scrum Trainer who actually did the work himself. You will learn about how to setup teams that have the combined skill-set of software, electronics and mechanical engineers, how to challenge or cope with long lead times for physical components and how you can have a Minimal Viable Product (MVP) even early in the project. This is a companion to the keynote we’ve given earlier this year at the Embedded meets Agile conference in Munich and you can download the slides from SlideShare.

In the following two days, March 27th and March 28th, I will facilitate a Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO) training organised through Aguarra Agile Competence Center in Brno. As it happens with all our Scrum public courses, it will lead to a Scrum Alliance certification. In this course we will explain how particular agile or Scrum roles typically manifest themselves in enterprise environments. The course is an interactive workshop filled with lots of exercises whose goal is to demonstrate the difference between traditional and agile approaches to product management and software development. We will also discuss real-world organizational changes such as managing large or multiple teams, release planning and tracking progress through the right metrics. Most importantly we will answer your specific questions regarding your individual situation and organization.

Photo: details of Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul in Brno by Millenium1987 from Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository.

people walking on grey concrete floor during daytime

People aren’t Resources

“Resource planning” or “Resource Management” or “Resource blockers” I hear these in stand-ups, or project meetings and even on CSM (Certified Scrum Master) training. People who know me watch me cringe a little each time. I have this visceral reaction that I can’t explain, my whole body cringes.

Why does it matter? Some people would argue that it doesn’t really matter, its all semantics anyway. One of the many valuable things that I learned at PSL (Problem Solving Leadership) was words matter, what you say and how you say things can have a big impact on people. Tone will often have an impact on people’s reaction and words will have an impact on their understanding. So yes it definitely does matter; but Why?


Wikipedia has the following definition for resource:


A resource is a source or supply from which benefit is produced. Typically resources are materials, services, staff, or other assets that are transformed to produce benefit and in the process may be consumed or made unavailable.

I highlight the following : in the process may be consumed or made unavailable.

This worries me greatly because in some of the interactions I have where people are using the word resource the context or tone seems to imply that it is ok if people get used up. One interview I was in a manager said that it would be ok if one of his resources died, because he would be able to be up to speed and take over in less than a week.

The word resource implies an object, something that can be replaced or used up, then replaced. Resource implies that if I replace it then I will get equal or better performance. Let us take a PC hard drive for example; if my PC is old and my hard disk is slow and full and I replace it with a newer quicker disk, then the overall performance of my PC is likely to improve.

People on the other hand are not objects. People have families and traffic problems, and children that keep them up all night.  People have parents that are sick and husbands that are going through chemo, or wives that are having an affair. People are complex beings with complex personalities and lots of different “facets” that affect both their behaviour and their performance.

If the expectation is that they need to behave like resources where managers can just unplug one and plug in another one, then I believe we are not only deluding ourselves but doing all our people a disservice. The lives and the realities of life will have an impact on the people in our teams, and in our organisations. Some days Bob may be approachable and some days he may be short and irritable.  Somedays it will be easy for Bob to focus and get things done, and somedays he will be worrying about his daughter at university or his wife being sick.

People aren’t plug and play they aren’t interchangeable at the drop of a hat. People have a myriad of small and big “things” (for want of a better word) that affect how they work, how they make decisions and how they interact.  If we can all start to think about the teams that we work with as individuals and people instead of resources it might be easier for us to realise that people are fallible and make mistakes. People are mostly trying to do the best they can, with the skills and resources (real ones) at their disposal and they can’t see into the future.

Maybe if we can start to do that we can start to see how expecting estimates to be exact and performance/velocity/lead-time to be constant and linear in its predictability is not realistic. Maybe we can start to see that we are all guessing some of the time, and all learning lots of the time, and all just trying to do the best we can. Maybe with that in mind we can start to see the people in our teams as people and not objects. With that in mind maybe we seek to understand each other more and be right less, and maybe with that in mind our interaction and our collaboration gets better. Maybe with that in mind we can work together to make better decisions about what we develop. We can make sure that what we deliver is of the highest value to our customers or our business.

Ultimately; the better the quality of our interactions and the higher our levels of trust, the better the quality of the code we will produce and the software we will ultimately deliver.