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Agile Portfolio Management in

We have recently authored on, German site devoted to IT management and security topics, a new article about Portfolio Management titled Agile portfolio management: making the right decisions (in German: Agiles Portfoliomanagement: Richtige Entscheidungen treffen) where we discuss how portfolio management can only be successful when tied to visions and goals of the company.

To evaluate the choices of the portfolio management we use the metric of the Cost of Delay, allowing us to evaluate in real money. Determining the CoV is quick and alternatives can be easily compared.

These methods are part of our Enterprise Transition Framework and in our work are introduced taking into account the corporate culture and the agile principles. The ETF helps to combine portfolio management with the company’s agile overall strategy.

Read the full article in German.

top view photography of broken ceramic plate

Why Agile Transformations Fail – Do You Fall Into The Same Pitfalls?

This year the Toronto Agile Conference (TAC2017) focused on “Modern Agile”, which was defined by four guiding principles:

The ultimate goal is to get better results faster. However, the biggest challenge lies in having a sustainable Agile transformation to obtain these results. Therefore, the question to consider is “Why Agile Transformations Fail?”.

Gil Broza, the author of “The Agile Mindset” and “The Human Side of Agile,” introduced the concept of fostering an Agile mindset and revealed the common impediments hindering its adoption. Here, I have rounded up the three most common pitfalls:

1. We try to get it right the first time.
Many people hold onto the belief that building an elaborate plan, outlining all the details to make a decision upfront, is the right approach. In other words, you have one shot in making that goal; otherwise, the game is over. Consequently, the Product Backlog is filling up, but only one or two items are turned into running tested features.

2. We standardize.
Teams fall back into a standardized Agile routine – doing things for the sake of doing them. For instance, teams turn the daily Scrum event into a status report meeting. Members list out what is on their plate for the day; thus, ignoring that the purpose of the Daily Scrum is to inspect and adapt.

3.     We prioritize efficiency.
Agile is being sold as having teams churn out work faster with progress being shown regularly. Thus, organizations would put together cross-functional teams, remove certain process requirements, and set a fixed deadline. Then, they would expect to see immediate results because they have increased their speed to completion. Contrary to their belief, the product still fails because they didn’t deliver what matters to the customer.

So does your team and company fall into the same pitfalls? Even if this is the case, we need to understand that mastering agile requires a lot of time. Many things need to be unlearned, and much effort has to be invested in accepting to start anew. Additionally, we have to fight off the influence of existing constraints and habits ingrained in our organization’s culture.

This means that taking a prescribed path to attain Agile transformation does not work. Instead, agile42 takes on the approach of looking at the organizational context first, before selecting the right agile practices and tools.

Tell us your greatest agile challenge here, so that we can equip you with the necessary tools for a successful Agile transition.

Sponsoring Let’s Test South Africa

We are happy to be sponsors of Let’s Test South Africa 2017, starting Today in Johannesburg. Let’s Test are a series of conferences all over the world all about context-driven testing. We meet, talk, listen and learn from each other in order to build a stronger community of testers and to improve our testing skills.

Let’s Test South Africa takes place at the beautiful Valley Lodge & Spa in Magaliesburg and runs for 2.5 days between 26 – 28 November 2017. It will have an intentional focus on the craft and community of Context-Driven Testing. We will showcase not only South African talent, but also host new and familiar faces and minds from the global community.

Together with Barry Tandy I will present Visualising your way to better problem solving: We will surely post slides and feedback after the event!

Niels Verdonk, new Certified Scrum Trainer in the Netherlands

We are happy to announce that Niels Verdonk has been accredited as a Certified Scrum Trainer (CST) from the Scrum Alliance during the latest round of expansion. agile42 currently employs 8 CSTs in Europe, North America, and South Africa, in addition to 7 Certified Enterprise Coaches (CEC). This allows us to tailor training and coaching solutions to the specific needs of our clients worldwide.

Niels started working as a Software Engineer in 1995, and after working for leading brand names as Nintendo, Nike and Novell as Software Architect before he started managing a team of developers at a startup. Inspired by XP since 1999, Niels started working with the small team using these practices and principles until the team grew too big and needed more structure. In 2006 they started using Scrum and scaled up to 9 teams, mostly scrum feature teams, some distributed, some component teams, some using kanban. Since 2011 Niels started working as an agile trainer and coach. In 2013 he founded the Dutch subsidiary of agile42 and has been working for large and small customers in the Netherlands, both for software as well as non-IT companies.

Joanne Perold keynote at Regional Scrum Gathering 2017

“Agile, Entropy and Human Systems” is the title of the keynote that will be presented by Joanne Perold for the Regional Scrum Gathering South Africa 2017 organised by SUGSA, taking place on November 8-9 in Cape Town.

Joanne has been thinking a great deal about human systems, what makes them tick, what helps them be better and what gets in their way. In this talk, she will dig into human systems, entropy and agile. She will explore the things that she believes can help human systems to be better and share the things that she has seen yield results during her experience coaching.

We will soon report on this exciting event in Cape Town!

Coaching structures in Tampere

Last week I presented a talk at Tampere Goes Agile 2017, a free, fun and friendly agile conference by Agile Finland. It was titled Don’t be random! Tools for structured team development.

The Coaching Card is a simple but powerful template for ScrumMasters, line managers and Agile Coaches who are interested in coaching their teams to become more mature. (If you’re not interested in that, you’re probably in the wrong job.)

The Coaching Card is both a thinking model and a template. It gives some backbone to the coaching work, helps people choose the right interventions and gives a degree of measurability to the work. It also lets several people collaborate around one team and helps junior coaches get mentoring and advice from more experienced coaches. It’s one of those simple things that people don’t know they are missing, but look so obvious in hindsight.

Coaching Cards are based on the OODA loop (inspect and adapt) and on Karl Tomm’s coaching model. It very specifically uses observations, hypotheses, goals, metrics and interventions. The Coaching Card concept has been developed over the last 5-6 years by agile42, by doing it and helping others do it. It’s our own solution to a common practical problem, and it is unique because there are literally no other solutions to this problem out there.

Invitation to Scrum Gathering Dublin

Organized by the Scrum Alliance, the Global SCRUM GATHERING® is back in Europe with #SGDUB in Dublin from October 30th to November 1st. 

agile42 is a supporting sponsor of the Gathering, and our coaches will be present at the Citywest Hotel for networking and on stage for two interesting sessions. 

Gregory Keegan and Bent Myllerup will facilitate a workshop titled Designing Sustainable Teams with High-Performance Potential in the Essence of Agile track on October 30th. The goal is to learn the power of team forming through self-designing, and understand the culture in Agile organizations that provides a suitable environment.

Andrea Tomasini will host the workshop Design your Organization for Resilience and Anti-fragility on October 31st in the Creating the Agile Organization track. Participants will learn how to challenge their organization to improve since Organizational Design has a great impact on the capability and potential of an organization.

We will be back soon with comments and photos from Dublin, follow #SGDUB!

Siamo presenti agli Italian Agile Days 2017

Sarà l’Università di Urbino, un piccolo gioiello rinascimentale immerso tra le colline del Montefeltro, ad ospitare il 17 e 18 novembre 2017 la prossima edizione degli Italian Agile Days, il tradizionale evento del movimento Agile italiano.

Siamo felici di essere sponsor della manifestazione che si articola in due giornate di workshop, code retreat e conferenza, in cui presenterò il talk Decisioni: come, chi, quando. 

Per capire e poi cambiare un’azienda è fondamentale analizzare come vengono prese le decisioni, da chi, in quali occasioni. Le decisioni possono essere rapide o lente, reversibili o no, prese in modo top-down o consensuale. Il tutto è influenzato dalla struttura organizzativa e dalla cultura aziendale. In un contesto agile prendere decisioni richiede un diverso coinvolgimento dei team e dei leader. 

La partecipazione a IAD17 è gratuita previa registrazione fino a esaurimento posti.

Foto Italian Agile Movement

SUGSA Workshop: No one is as smart as all of us

Research shows that the characteristics of, and conditions for, good collaboration are the same whether it is a Scrum team in a bank needing to collaborate with another team working in a waterfall way or a bunch of medical professionals needing to collaborate in the treatment of a person. The “how” of collaboration is context specific and this is where the differences lie.

These are the topics of the workshop that will be facilitated by Regina Martins at the Scrum User Group South Africa (SUGSA) meeting later this week in Cape Town.

This session is an experiential exploration of this hypothesis with people working in small groups on a specific collaboration issue of their choosing. They will leave with a variety of possible new ways to improve or reboot collaboration in their context which they can apply the next day.